Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Love Without Borders

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In his Encyclical “Fratelli Tutti” Chapter 3 number 88, Pope Francis encourages us: “Since we were made for love, in each one of us, “a law of ekstasis” seems to operate: “the lover ‘goes outside’ the self to find a fuller existence in another”

Our spiritual life is measured by love, which always “takes the first place,” leading us away from self-love so as to seek what is better for the lives of others.  In this light, let us take some time to get to know Sister Maria Rosaline, SND as she lives out the Fratelli Tutti encyclical in her ministry.

A new mission often means struggle and requires surrender. That is the spirit that encourages Sister Rosaline to always trust in the care of Divine Providence. Since beginning the mission at Wisma Berkah Dalem Kajen, Pekalongan, Central Java, in 2011, Sister has never felt alone, since many brothers and sisters love and support her, including the surrounding society.

The people around Sr. Rosaline call her “mother” because of her work creating herbal medicines, not only to sell, but also to help the local communities in need and poor people. Many people come to the convent to get treatment from Sister Rosaline. They believe that after getting the treatment, they will be healed from their sickness.  Most of the patients who come for the treatment are Muslims. They never look at identity and religion because they need someone who has passion, cares for them and gives them the blessing of healing. Sister also spends time visiting the neighborhood, greeting, supporting people, and bringing joy and blessings to them. They feel happy when they get a visit from Sister Rosaline. For them, Sister Rosaline is a religious woman with a heart of gold.

As Sr. M. Aloysia’s daughters, we must be ready to serve and love regardless of who they are, to take care of their needs, not only materially, but more by our presence and our caring. Like Sister Maria Aloysia, Sister Rosaline cares for a girl who needs food and education. Every day, Sister prepares breakfast for the girl who goes to a school near the convent. She feels special when she can have a meal without being questioned about where she is coming from. Thus, the girl can be comfortable when participating in learning activities at school. Sister also often helps mentally ill people; she bathes and feeds them and gives them her attention so that they accept themselves and feel loved and appreciated.

Hopefully, the fraternity built up and lived so far will continue to be a friendship that unites us as brothers and sisters who can accept and respect one another and which can encourage us to love without limits as individuals who are unconditionally loved by God.

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